Jayneel Vora
[firstname] [lastname] 98 [at] gmail.com 

me  |  papers |  teaching |  farming |  grad apps

TA of the Year Award- Davis Computer Science Club- July 2021

ECS 32A Introduction to Programming, Summer 2024
  Discussions, office hours and graded the quizzes, midterms and the final for 60 students.

ECS 20 Discrete Mathematics, Spring 2024
  Discussions, office hours and graded the quizzes, midterms and the final for 180 students.

ECS 36B Software Development & Object-Oriented Programming in C++ , Winter 2024
  Discussions, office hours and graded the quizzes, midterms and the final for 210 students.

ECS 390 Teaching in Computer Science, Fall 2021 - Associate Instructor
  Discussed teaching strategies, logistics of being a Teaching Assistant and an Associate Instructor for 80 students enrolled with the Graduate Group in Computer Science.

ECS 20 Discrete Mathematics, Spring 2021 with Dr. Daryl Posnett
  Virtual discussions, office hours and grading for 180 students.

ECS 20 Discrete Mathematics, Winter 2021 with Dr. Zhaojun Bai
  Virtual discussions- 120 students, virtual office hours and grading midterms and the finals for 250 registered students.

ECS 390 Teaching in Computer Science, Fall 2020 - Associate Instructor
  Virtual lectures discussing teaching strategies, logistics of being a Teaching Assistant and an Associate Instructor for 54 students enrolled with the Graduate Group in Computer Science.

ECS 132 Probability & Statistical Modeling, Summer Session 1 2020 with Dr. Yelena Frid
 Virtual discussions for 150 students, holding office hours and grading the assignments. Created online content again!

ECS 20 Discrete Mathematics, Spring 2020 with Dr. Matt Franklin
 Virtual discussions for 180 students in 3 batches, office hours and grading the assignments. Created online content-phew!

ECS 20 Discrete Mathematics, Winter 2020 with Dr. Zhaojun Bai link
  Discussions for 120 students in 2 batches, 4 office hours and graded the quizzes, midterms and the final.

The TA Letters
For students who are taking/took courses I TA'd for, I send out quarterly emails for research opportunities, newer perspectives to existing research questions, student showcases interviews and advice from the 'higher ups', interesting papers from conferences, anything and everything that can help us grow more!
I open the link to join the list every quarter end till the next quarter start. Please email me if you want to be added during the quarter. Link to get on it: link